For the Workman twins, Klay, and Kiefer, their eighteenth birthday is their last day of freedom. At eighteen, now considered productive, citizens are given their future role in society as Creator, Worker, Soldier, or Dependent. The Nation, a totalitarian regime that rose to power after the worst climate crisis in human history depends on a system of productivity while enforcing rigid social roles, down to limiting each family to giving birth once.
Klay and Kiefer’s parents hide a shocking secret―an illegal third child named Mist, making the stakes even higher for the family. Will the Workmans sacrifice everything to protect Mist from a regime that views her as a threat? In a society where conformity is law, individuality is forbidden, and choice is an illusion, will they find the courage to fight for their freedom? Will their love know no boundaries?
A gripping dystopian tale of freedom, family, and fighting for a better future, Past Futures is a fast-paced, thought-provoking YA dystopian novel that challenges readers to consider the value of liberty, the courage it takes to stand up against injustice, and the enduring power of family bonds. It shows how even when well-intentioned, concentrated power feeds on itself, corruption becomes its inevitable byproduct. Don’t miss out on this riveting tale of resilience and resistance.
For the Workman twins, Klay, and Kiefer, their eighteenth birthday is their last day of freedom. At eighteen, now considered productive, citizens are given their future role in society as Creator, Worker, Soldier, or Dependent. The Nation, a totalitarian regime that rose to power after the worst climate crisis in human history depends on a system of productivity while enforcing rigid social roles, down to limiting each family to giving birth once.
Klay and Kiefer’s parents hide a shocking secret―an illegal third child named Mist, making the stakes even higher for the family. Will the Workmans sacrifice everything to protect Mist from a regime that views her as a threat? In a society where conformity is law, individuality is forbidden, and choice is an illusion, will they find the courage to fight for their freedom? Will their love know no boundaries?
A gripping dystopian tale of freedom, family, and fighting for a better future, Past Futures is a fast-paced, thought-provoking YA dystopian novel that challenges readers to consider the value of liberty, the courage it takes to stand up against injustice, and the enduring power of family bonds. It shows how even when well-intentioned, concentrated power feeds on itself, corruption becomes its inevitable byproduct. Don’t miss out on this riveting tale of resilience and resistance.
Claudia Corneyea, born in New York, now lives in Massachusetts with her partner, their dog, and their leopard gecko. Past Futures is Claudia’s debut novel, which she started writing when she was eighteen. Claudia is a holistic healer, her practice is called Reiki with Claudia. You can follow her and her blog, In Her Shadows, on Instagram @reikiwithclaudia.